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For remote appointments 

For In-person appointments - offered in Ann Arbor, MI at Asian Healing Traditions 


Reiki is the practice of connecting to and interacting with energy. With the understanding that we are all made of and part of a constant evolving expression of energy, a connection is formed, and transformations take place. Blockages can be dissolved or moved, flow can be guided and maintained and dis-eases healed or brought from the shadows into light.


I will often integrate other energy techniques along with Reiki. Sometimes a tarot reading is done beforehand, guided meditation and sound may also be performed. My unique ability is identifying and understanding generational thought patterns. Bringing to light these patterns allows for remarkable insights and the  opportunity to make deep and meaningful change. 



Meditation has been a huge part of my life for over 30 years.  I have battled with every thought and insecurity about what it means to meditate and why. I have worked tirelessly to create moments of pure peace and thoughtlessness.  

I use guided meditation in much of my work and share my understanding with people of all ages through classes and practices. 


Delve into the illuminating and insightful world of Tarot. Questions answered, new perspectives gained, mysteries and magic of the universe revealed! Beyond the mystical aspects of Tarot, a reading can be incredibly healing, helping you see a problem or understand patterns and how to transform. 


I offer tarot in a variety of situations. Come to Asian Healing Traditions  for a reading in a quiet, private and serene environment or join me in one of my weekly events around town. I also travel to offer readings at private events and to teach groups how to connect to their intuition through tarot.



Classes and courses are a wonderful way to develop a practice and learn new tools for self development. I offer different courses throughout the year. Meditation, tarot, or tools for connecting to your intuition, these classes will inspire you and help to create community. 


If you are planning an event for family, friends or your business, providing Tarot, Meditation, or remote Reiki can bring connection, closeness, deeper meaning and fun.


Together we can decide the best use of my skills for your event. At a wedding, a pre-ceremony meditation, is a great offering for your guests. At a party, a tarot table is a fun and entertaining gift to your friends or employees. 

​​​Additionally, I am proud to offer a unique and meaningful session designed specifically for closely bonded women friends. Email me for more in  


Sound is a powerful tool for bringing your spiritual and physical body into balance. As the sounds wash over you, energy moves and expands, allowing for deep relaxation and healing.  Your body and spirit will follow its own true nature and become aligned with the vibrations, clearing and breaking up blockages and tensions so you may experience levity and clarity.


At Asian Healing Traditions in Ann Arbor we have a beautiful Sound Healing Treatment Room. It has been carefully  designed to offer a healing and immersive sound experience. 






In addition to private events and group classes, I do tarot events at various locations in Ann Arbor and around the country. 

Currently I have residencies at Crazy Wisdom Bookstore, 2-3 Fridays a month, and Weekly Thursday evenings at Blom Mead + Cider, Both in Downtown Ann Arbor

For remote appointments

For In-person appointments - offered in Ann Arbor, MI at Asian Healing Traditions 

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